måndag 4 juni 2012

Laser Hair Removal Facts

Welcome to Laser Hair Removal Facts!

Here you will find all the latest laser hair removal facts so just continue reading and browsing this site and you will find all the laser hair removal facts you need to make an educated decision and decide whether this procedure is something you want to do or not.

Uwanted hair can be a big problem for a lot of people, for some it's even an embarrassment and it affects their confidence and social life negatively. So of course they want to find a solution that takes care of the problem for good, but most of the common methods to remove hair are painful, non-permanent and rather time consuming.

With laser hair removal you cant get rid of unwanted hair fast. It' quick, safe and easy! In fact laser hair removal has gone through some extensive research and numerous tests. It has now been proven to be one of the most effective ways to remove unwanted hair long term. Contrary to what many people feel when they see the prices it's also very affordable compared to all the time and money you will spend in the long run on razors, waxing and hair removal creams. From my own perspective it just feels great now that i can go the whole summer without needing to shave or wax my legs and bikini line. You just feel fantastic when you can wake up in the morning and slip into your bikini or swim wear and be ready to go to the beach without worrying about hair sticking out in places where you don't want it to. You just feel sexy, beautiful and silky smooth all the time!

Laser Hair Removal Facts: How does it work?

Example of laser hair removal under the arms
The life of a human hair can be divided into 3 different phases, they are called the anagen, catagen and telogen phase. The first anagen phase is when the hair grows out, this is followed by the catagen phase when the hair remains dormant until it starts to fall out in it's final telogen phase. The laser is most effective to hairs that are in the growing phase and this is one of the reasons why you will need several procedures because your hairs will be in different phases.

The laser will target the pigment in your hair which absorbs the light from the the laser and turns it into heat, this will destroy the hair follicle and keep it from regrowing. After a number of sessions (which will vary from person to person) the hair should be permanently gone. Before every treatment your skin will be numbed or cooled with a special cream or ice, this is to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: How many sessions do you need?

The number of sessions you need for best results depends on what type of hair and skin color you have but a good rule of thumb is 5-10 sessions with around 2 months between each session. Thick dark hair on fair skin is the easiest to treat, hair on darker skin is sometimes harder to treat because of the pigment in the skin, light hairs are usually also harder to treat because of the lack of pigment in the hairs. Some areas with very thick hair will require more treatments.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: Does it hurt?

If you have experience with other hair removal products you know that some hurts like **** so you will probably wonder how painful laser hair removal really is? It's not completely painless but compared to waxing or epilators it's not very painful at all. It also depends on your tolerance for pain and the equipment that is used. Many describe that the feeling is about the same as when you snap a rubber band against your skin. So generally speaking it's probably not going to be a painful experience. You will also be offered to use topical anesthetics or ice to numb the skin before every treatment if you do it at a professional saloon or laser hair removal clinic.
It's also very important to provide the laser-technician with feedback about your pain. They may need to adjust the intensity of the laser if it's to painful or use a numbing cream on your skin.

Laser Hair Removal Facts: Are there any side effects or risks?

Some people report side effects like itches and skin irritation but that usually dissapears after a couple of days. In extreme cases there have been reports of people getting skin burns and infections, this has mostly been due to incorrect use of the laser so make sure you go to experienced proffesionals to avoid these kind of side effects. You should also make sure that you're not allergic to the numbing cream if you are using one.

If you want more laser hair removal facts just continue browsing by clicking on some of the other articles published on this site.