The costs of laser hair removal will depend on a couple of
different factors, mainly what part of your body you want hair removed from and the amount of hair you want
to have removed.
A big and sensitive area with lots of hair will be more expensive
than a small and not so sensitive part of your body.
So here are some things that will affect the costs of laser
hair removal:
* What part of the body do you want hair removed from? Intimate
and difficult to reach spots means the technician will have to spend more time to get to the hair. If the
clinic of your choice charges by the hour instead of body part then this will affect the price of your
* The size of the area and amount of hair on the area that is
treated. An area with a lot of thick hair will obviously take more time and more laser to remove hair from
than an area with less hair.
* How many sessions do you need? Most customers need 5-10
procedures before the hair is gone for good. Some people need less and some need more, it depends on things
like: thickness of the hair that is treated and the health of the hair.
Avarage Costs of Laser Hair Removal
Body Part / Cost for 1 treatment
Arms $350 to $500
Back Hair $600 to $900
Bikini $350 to $500
Chest $350 to $600
Face and Neck $600 to $900
Lower Legs $600 to $850
Under Arms $250 to $350
Upper Legs $600 to $850
These prices are just averages and will probably vary a
lot depending on clinic and region, but hopefully they will give you an general idea on how much money
you need to spend to get the results you want.